Boulder, CO
A friendly and open environment to learn and discuss mathematics!
2 de Noviembre/ Nov 2nd 2023 - En MATH 350 o zoom/ In MATH 350 or zoom
DRA MALENA ESPAÑOL - "Re-imaginando el mundo a través del álgebra lineal"/
DR MALENA ESPAÑOL - "Re-imagining the world through linear algebra"
Malena nació y creció en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Recibió el título de Licenciada en Matemáticas en la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Luego realizó un doctorado en Tufts University bajo la dirección de Misha Kilmer. Su carrera siguió con un postdoctorado en el California Institute of Technology y un cargo docente en la University of Akron. Malena es actualmente docente de matemáticas computacionales en la Escuela de Ciencias Matemáticas y Estadísticas de Arizona State University. Sus intereses de investigación son el desarrollo, análisis y aplicaciones de modelos matemáticos y métodos numéricos para resolver problemas que surgen de sistemas de imágenes y el estudio de materiales. En 2021, Malena dio el minicurso virtual “Re-Imaginando el Mundo a Través del Álgebra Lineal” como parte del programa bilingüe Mathematics Sin Fronteras, que está dirigido para estudiantes de todas las Américas. En 2018, organizó el Workshop de Mujeres en las Matemáticas de Materiales y fue una de las editoras del volumen de la Serie Springer de AWM "Research in the Mathematics of Materials Science" publicado en 2022. En 2022, Malena recibió la beca Karen EDGE otorgada por la EDGE Foundation.
A Malena le encanta viajar y conocer nuevos lugares, su comida y su gente. En su casa no se para de hablar de matemáticas. ¡Su esposo Agustín Bompadre es también matemático y a su hijo Sebastián le encantan también! /
Malena was born and raised in Buenos Aires city in Argentina. She got her Licenciada in Mathematics degree in the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas in the University of Buenos Aires. She received her Ph.D from Tufts University under the supervision of Misha Kilmer. She later held a postdoctoral position in the California Institute of Technology followed by a faculty position in the University of Akron. Malena is currently a faculty member in computational Mathematics in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences of Arizona State University. Her research interests include the development, analysis and applications of mathematical models and numerical methods that arise in imaging processing and material science. In 2021, Malena taught the only minicourse “Re-Imagining the world through linear algebra” as part of the Mathematics Without Borders bilingual program which is designed for students across the Americas. In 2018, she organized the Women in Mathematics of Materials Workshop and she was one of the editors of the AWM Springer Series volume titled "Research in the Mathematics of Materials Science" published in 2022. In 2022, Malena received the Karen EDGE fellowship from the EDGE Foundation.
Malena loves traveling and meeting new places, their food and their people. In her house there is tons of math talk. Her spouse Agustín Bompadre is also a mathematician and her son Sebastián loves math as well!
Lugar de encuentro y estacionamiento
Baños para todo género
Podés encontrar un mapa con baños para todo género en el campus de CU Boulder acá.
Lugar privado de lactancia y apoyo con las tareas de cuidado.
Podés acceder a un mapa con las salas de lactancia en el campus, haciendo click acá .
Tendremos fondos para apoyar parcialmenta a les participantes con tareas de cuidado.
Location and parking
Gender Neutral Bathrooms
You can find a map with gender neutral bathrooms in campus here.
Lactation Rooms and support for participants with care giving responsabilities
We have partial funding to support participants who have care giving responsabilities.
Padi Fuster Aguilera, Florencia Orosz Hunziker
Math For All Boulder Community Leaders
Yassin Bahid, Jon Kim, Stephanie Oh, Jasmin Rodriguez
For questions and comments, please email
Ethical conduct agreement
One of the main goals of Math For All is to create a welcoming environment for all participants. We wish for every participant to feel welcome, included, and safe at our conference. For that reason, we ask you to be mindful of your words and actions when communicating with others. We all have a bias and make mistakes. With an open mind and a willingness to apologize, we can create a safe space for everybody.
If there is a situation during the conference that makes you feel unwelcome, we ask you to please talk to one of the organizers so we can help you as best as we can.
CU Boulder, founded the same year Colorado became a state in 1876, recognizes that it sits on the traditional territories and ancestral homelands of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, Ute and many other Native American nations. Recognizing the history of the state, the university and the campus’s origin story, however difficult, and the histories and experiences of the Indigenous peoples who have lived in these territories for millennia aligns with the campus’s academic and research missions as Colorado’s flagship public research university.
You can learn more about indigenous mathematicians here:
This conference is partially funded by DEI Impact Grant at CU, NSF and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Colorado Boulder.